Monday, 21 November 2011

November Glymm Box!


I loathe Canadapost sometimes. I love my postman, but I hate their website. Firstly, their mobile site is so glitchy, it reloads multiple times before deciding that yes, I am indeed on a mobile device, and yes, I want to access their mobile site, and yes, I do want to continue.
I do not believe for one second that my shipment was stuck in Montreal for 4 days… I am convinced the package has been budged, shifted, moved, at least a CENTIMETER one way or another… I just don’t think they update their tracking as much as they should.

My mom always teases me that I stalk our postman… I just sit patiently in the living room staring out the window, watching each person walking past until I see the familiar blue uniform.
Oh, and when the postman is running late on his schedule? I panic a little… Who doesn’t like getting mail? I refuse to believe I didn’t get a single piece of mail… not even a pizza coupon or an advertisement? Unbelievable!

In lieu of my rambling, I opened er right up to take a gander!

I, unlike many others, actually enjoy getting hints as to what I’ll receive. So I’ve already been on the Glymm Facebook page to check out what others have gotten. Other than colour selection, looks like everyone got exactly the same box!

Yay for: 

Jelly Bellies in Apple and Very Cherry
On nom on nom mon!

Orlane Paris Light Smoothing Cream     3.5ml/.11 OZ

I am stoked to try this out. It isn’t as tiny as the Lise Watier Vial, so I think I can get a few uses out of this. Plus I’ve had good experiences with Orlane in the past. 

RGB Nail Polish in Black     Full Size 12ml/.4 OZ

I’ve only ever tried RGB once or twice (a nail polish addict friend of mine gave me a small sample bottle) but I did like it. I wish I didn't get black though... I understand the quality of this black is probably better than the one I got from the dollar store 5 Halloween's ago, but how many blacks does someone need?

Annabelle Smudge Paint in Skyline (navy blue)     Full Size 2g/.07 OZ

I have a few Annabelle products, and I’m a fan of most of their stuff. Never tried this before, so I’m excited to see whether it works for me. I generally like cream/gel eyeshadows/liners more than powders, so this suits me perfectly! I like the colour, it shows up way bluer in the picture than it actually is.

Nay for:
Rahua Luxury Shampoo and Conditioner     8ml/.27 OZ each

I’m not a fan of samples that come in pouches. I find they get extremely slippery when I’m in the shower so I can never tear them open. Plus, you can’t recap or reseal them if I’m only using half of the sample… I used to squeeze them out into smaller plastic containers, but I don’t have THAT many reusable plastic containers lying around. I usually just let these buggers accumulate until I have about 20, then I just don’t know what to do with myself. 

Lise Watier Flash Lift Radiance Vial     1ml/.03 OZ

After smoothing a bit on my hand, I’m pretty sure this will only last me 2 uses. It’s cute, and I like the idea of being able to reseal the bottle, but the sample is a little too tiny for me to gauge whether this product is for me.  It's just so small! Plus, I don’t really have anti-aging concerns quite yet, and I don’t like radiance/shimmer/glow/illumination for my skin. 

Browns Shoes $10 off any online purchase
I have about 4 Browns Stores nearby, so I’d never opt to order online. Especially for shoes that are so pricey, I’d never risk not trying them on in store. Also, shipping from the online store is $5, so really this is $5 off… I won’t use this.

Overall impression of November’s Box:
I’ve been getting Glymm boxes for about 4 months now, and I’ve been very impressed. They almost always give at least one full sized product in their boxes, and they’re always on top of their shipping (I recently left another box because their prices went up and because they had some shipping problems – I waited an extra 2.5 weeks for my last box from them).
I don’t care too much for the skincare samples, but I am always happy to get nail polish and the smudge paint! 

1 comment:

  1. Haha I look forward to getting packages in the mail too. You got a pretty good assortment of things in your box this month, it seems!

    P.S. Thanks for following my blog! :)
