Wednesday 24 October 2012

October Glymm Box/Bag

This is my final Glymm box/bag. Over the last few months I’ve been accumulating more and more samples that I haven’t been super impressed with. In addition to that, I find that I can’t use up my samples fast enough. I also subscribe to Topbox, and decided that between the two, I’ll stick it out with Topbox. Mainly because Topbox has a waitlist and I can’t just stop and restart with Topbox, whereas I can with Glymm… (Granted if I restart with Glymm I’ll be paying $12 instead of my usual $10).
Little pink awareness bonus!

I will say this month’s bag was much better than last months’. There were more samples, bigger sizes, and a better variety of makeup/skincare.

Yay for:

Johnson & Johnson Baby Oil                          88ml
Though many people complained about the ‘uselessness’ of this product, I actually love baby oil. Well, oils in general. I can put them on my cuticles, the ends of my hair, use it as makeup remover, smother it on my feet and elbows when they get dry… there are endless uses for me, especially in the wintertime. Plus it comes in a good sized bottle that I can reuse for travel. And it’s cute.

Miss Jessie’s Baby Buttercreme                                59ml
This smells just like buttercreme. Sweet, sugary, and maybe a little over-the-top for some people. Yes, this is super thick. Yes, it is more like a paste than a crème. But it kind of melts between your palms when you warm it up, and if you only use it on the ends of your hair, I can’t see it making your tresses too greasy. I’m looking forward to using this again and again. Again, it also comes in a cute little pot.

Femme Couture Lightning Lash Mascara      11.3g (Full Size!)
This mascara wand freaks me out a little bit. Not a huge bit because I’ve seen some weird looking mascara wands, but it doesn’t LOOK like it’d do anything. Does that make sense? But anyway I am willing to try any type of new product, and I am aching to find a mascara that doesn’t smudge on me, so I’m glad I get to try this. Plus, it’s full-sized! It’s been months since we got any full-sized products!

Meh for:

Cyberderm H2O Hydration                                        3ml X 2 tubes

On my card it claims that I should have gotten one of these and one of the Cyberderm Sunwhips (a sunscreen). However, I got two of these and am not complaining. This is the more expensive product of the two, and I’ve got plenty of sunscreen leftover from summertime! From previous samples, I don’t think I’m crazy about Cyberderm products… they seem very gimmicky, chemical-y and overprocessed to me. Something about the scent and the packaging, mostly.

Lash Card                                                                    2 Pieces
Uhm. These are a good idea… but I make my own version of these with laminated cards. I reuse them, can clean them, and shape them to my own eyeball. These seem super gimmicky to me, and a total money-grab. I’ll use them, but definitely wouldn’t ever spend money on these.

Overall Impression of October’s Box:
I am very happy with this box. It’s a shame that it’ll be my last one, but I really don’t need to subscribe to multiple beauty boxes. Especially since I have samples piling up and I could be spending my money better elsewhere. I’m sick of reading about the complainers and how unhappy everyone is with their services. If you don’t like it, unsubscribe. I am happy that Glymm seems to be listening to feedback, as they brought back the product card. Hopefully over time they’ll continue to improve.

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