Wednesday, 18 July 2012

July Glymm Box/Bag

After this disappointing bag, I’m thinking about cancelling my subscription after the next 2 months. The reasoning behind that is that I will have accumulated enough points for that to get something off their online store. I hate being suckered into staying for another 2 months… because Glymm’s products have not been that impressive, and because I don’t think it’s worth the $12 a month. I have to compare them to Topbox… which still costs only $10 a month, and continues to surprise and delight me.

Yay for:
Joico K-Pak Revitaluxe Hair Treatment                          50ml   

As per the instructions, this looks like it’d work the exact same way as a conditioner does. I do really like Joico products, so I’m excited to try this out a few times. The sample size is decent. Scent is very nice.

Mane Teeze Hair Perfume                                                   8ml

I’ve never used a perfume that’s specifically catered to hair, but I do like spraying body spray/mist into my hair anyway, so I’m looking forward to trying this. I don’t think I’d ever pay for hair perfume (why not just use your own stuff?), and I like having most of my body smell the same.

Nay for:
The Glymm Bag                                                                     Orange

I’m getting mighty tired of getting these bags. I have 3 of them now, and they’re just sitting there. I can only use so many cosmetic bags! And I have some that are bigger/cuter/stronger. So why would I use these? Least of all 3 of them!

Meh for:
Coupon for 25% off any nail polish from the Glymm store

Honestly? I go to a discount beauty supply store to get most of my nail polishes. I get China Glaze for like $4, and OPI is about $5-6. So regardless of how much a discount is offered, it won’t beat the deals I can get. Plus I don’t have to pay for shipping… and their brands (RGB, Butter London) are in my opinion, more expensive than they have to be.

Cyberderm PM Anti-Age + Cyberderm H20 Hydration   2 creepy looking syringes

What bothers me most about these is that it implies that it gives the results that only surgical procedures would. I don’t really advocate that. Also, I pulled the little blue cap off, and product sprayed everywhere… so it isn’t exactly very user friendly. Okay, maybe I’m a little daft… but I don’t go around practicing how to use syringes. The product itself? Very light scent… no instant results. But yes, pretty hydrating. No more than other creams or serums I’ve used, though.

Mereadesso Beautiful Body Balm                          30ml

I got the body balm. Other people got the scrub. I wish I got the scrub. That’s the annoying thing about the internet… you can see how green the grass is on the other side. I have so much fn creams and lotions… I really don’t need any more!

Overall Impression of July’s Bag:
I think most people subscribe to these services to get makeup products. That’s my opinion, and it’s backed by most of the complaints I’ve heard. So far, Glymm has been slipping with what they deliver. Rarely do I get makeup from them… and if I do, the sample is typically small. I’m waiting to get impressed. Or for them to redeem themselves by lowering prices or having more promotions. Otherwise, I’m cancelling quite soon.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds intrestingggg..!!!!!A complete collection of all the important products.The product are highly reliable and good to use..There is no chemical harm and the extra side effects..One can easily rely on them....From my opinion just try it once...
