Monday, 29 April 2013

Pet Peeve of the Day

Whatever happened to mother's teaching their kids to say PLEASE and THANK YOU?

My parents always emphasized to express my appreciation to everyone. I was invited to your birthday party? Thanks for inviting me. I hosted a birthday party? Thank you for coming.

A snooty person gives me terrible service? Thank you, have a nice day!

Some of my thankless friends ask me why I thank anyone when they've been rude to me. Well, for several reasons.

1. I think it's better to fight rudeness with kindness.
2. I set a good example to those around me.
3. Someone's bad attitude isn't going to affect me, or how I want to present myself.

Someone bumps me in the street? Maybe it's just my Canadian side but I'll say Sorry. I hold doors open for people. I was raised to do that. I line up at bus stops and everywhere else.

I'm sad to see this is becoming a rarity. I'm hoping that my generation grows so indignant at where things are headed that we all scold our children into behaving like good citizens.

Thank you. 

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