Sunday, 5 May 2013

Pet Peeve of the Day

I find most juice too sweet.

I dilute almost every beverage with water. I don't know if I'm the only one that does this, but I know I'm more the exception than the rule.

Most orange juice out of the carton makes me cringe with how sugary it tastes to me. I leave 3 inches from the top of the glass and fill 2 of those inches with water.

Apple juice, same thing.
Cranberry? Get that water in there.

Are my taste buds broken? Am I hypersensitive to tastes? I feel the same way with chips: that they are too salty. I want to rinse chips off because they have too much salt!

I guess it's better for me that I consume more water and fewer saltier things. That's my rationale for how weird I am.

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