Monday 29 April 2013

Pet Peeve of the Day

Whatever happened to mother's teaching their kids to say PLEASE and THANK YOU?

My parents always emphasized to express my appreciation to everyone. I was invited to your birthday party? Thanks for inviting me. I hosted a birthday party? Thank you for coming.

A snooty person gives me terrible service? Thank you, have a nice day!

Some of my thankless friends ask me why I thank anyone when they've been rude to me. Well, for several reasons.

1. I think it's better to fight rudeness with kindness.
2. I set a good example to those around me.
3. Someone's bad attitude isn't going to affect me, or how I want to present myself.

Someone bumps me in the street? Maybe it's just my Canadian side but I'll say Sorry. I hold doors open for people. I was raised to do that. I line up at bus stops and everywhere else.

I'm sad to see this is becoming a rarity. I'm hoping that my generation grows so indignant at where things are headed that we all scold our children into behaving like good citizens.

Thank you. 

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