Wednesday 4 January 2012

Question of the Day

Are all girls (at their very basest) bad at video games?

Before we go into the inherent sexism of my question, I do realize a major thing:

1.     There are exceptions to every generalization

Note that I AM generalizing, and I intend to. Because frankly, video game players look down upon female players. They could be the very best player in a team, but frankly the judgment is made far before the game starts.

I am terrible at video games. RPG games. PvP games. Computer games. Any game, I’m pretty dismal.

There’s not one particular reason for it. Actually, I was pretty good until about a year after puberty and I started having crushes on boys. I guess that’s the pivotal point in most people’s lives…

I think one of the funniest things about poor (wannabe) gamers is that they use the excuse that ‘video games take up too much time to get good at them, I don’t have that type of time.’

But if by chance these wannabe gamers actually get good, they of course attribute their greatness to their time-dedication and hard work.

Females very easily (too easily) say they’ve got better things to do. And maybe everyone’s got better things to do. Gaming really isn’t about that, though, is it? It’s about the time in-between.

And domination and pwning.

I am a button-masher. And sometimes with luck I actually beat people and win. But that’s got no skill behind it, no strategy. The types of games that I want to excel at are the types were people have to buy headsets and lean into their screens and build up an array of agility and abilities.

I know a bunch of girls who are absolutely terrific at gaming, and can dominate almost any player in a game. However, they all started as complete and total noobs.

Do all girls start as noobs? Where is our natural hunting and gathering instinct that seems to help males achieve gaming-greatness?

Where is our basic knowledge of a console system? Why can’t we push L when it tells us to push L?

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